Category: Resource

What Is a CVBS Port featured image

What Is a CVBS Port?

A CVBS port might sound technical, but if you’ve dealt with any older video equipment, you’ve likely encountered it. It’s often tied to RCA connectors,

wan vs lan port featured image

11 Differences Between WAN VS LAN Port

If you’ve ever set up a router or network, you’ve likely come across the terms “WAN port” and “LAN port”. Understanding these ports is essential

infrared touch screen technology featured image

Infrared Touch Screen: Every Thing You Need To Know

Interactive flat panel displays (IFPDs) with infrared touch screens are gaining popularity in recent years.   Compared with smart projector boards, which were widely applied to education, IFPDs is

Touch Screen Technology featured image

7 Types of Touch Screen Technology

Touchscreen technology has revolutionized the way we interact with devices, from smartphones to ATMs. It allows you to control and navigate screens using just your

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